Original Music For Film, TV, Video & Advertising

License Christmas Music, man decorating christmas tree as if by magic

Christmas Music

music for documentaries, famous kodak commercial from the 50's


License cinematic music, vintage film reel, army marching

Cinematic Music

Emotive Music, vintage film reel, man in dramatic distress

Emotive Music

Contemplative music, vintage film reel of contemplative lady

Contemplative Music

Happy ladies and gents dancing to happy music

Happy Music

Music for love, couple dancing in a romantic embrace

Love Music

sixty second tracks, man banking from clock, vintage film reel

Sixty Seconds

scary music, the face of a scared lady

Scary Music

sound design music, man puppeteering a music duo

Sound Design

car driving around the moon vintage film reel representing music for science fiction

Science Fiction

Sports Music, boxers facing off in the ring

Sports Music

stingers and logos, vintage robot with stinger ray eye

Stingers and Logos

License music with strings, dancing neon violinists

String Music

License music, stripped back music, skeleton playing rib cage guitar

Stripped Back Music

Register as a member to browse our catalogue. Please contact us  for a free consultation or if you would like us to send you music options for your project. We offer licenses for film, TV, podcasts, radio, commercials, YouTube videos, documentaries, gaming and more. Simply click the ‘Request Quote’ button or send us an email at info@rmrmusic.com. We offer a full service should you require custom music or music supervision services.